Today I managed to complete my short Logo animation for my college class. I am very happy with how it turned out. I started by looking up tutorials on the idea that I wanted the logo to bounce. during my search I found a free plugin tutorial that let you manipulate anything in after effects. it was called, stretch and bounce. once this was installed I started to play around but i discovered that the bounce effect was too much for the logo as the logo was too big and it wasn't possible to make the logo smaller due to the company name being in the centre of the logo design. At this point I went back to the drawing board and went through more of the effects for one that I felt worked with the Logo design. This is when I found the effects which I ended up using as i felt it still worked with the logo but also worked with the main idea of having my kids involved as they love playing with toy cars. Once I had this in place and finalized the full animation I moved to the voice over which I recorded with the Zoom sound recorder. I started by getting my boys to say their names and then say Bensam Films together. This too a few takes and I now know why they say never work with kids or animals. In all honesty though they did a great job and it only took about 7 takes for them to get it. Next I had to get them to laugh however they have a tendency to fake laugh and I knew I needed genuine laughter. I manage to achieve this by holding the recorder with one hand and tickle them with the other. This did not take many takes as the laughter was genuine. Overall my animation is a lot simpler than my original idea of having my boys silhouetted, playing with the animation, but I definitely believe that the simplicity of it makes it a lot better and I am glad that It all work out the way it did.
Journal Entry 10 - 08/05/2019
Updated: May 30, 2019